Buzzers, Creepers & Crawlers
From Intelli-Tunes
by Ron and Nancy Brown
Your kids will enjoy these adorable and information songs about spiders and insects.
BBB Bugs
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• I’m a Little Insect
has a head, abdomen, thorax, 6 legs, 2 antennas
• Busy Honeybee
• Ants! Ants! Ants!
"Building rooms and tunnels deep underground. It’s a happy little home in our dirt filled town."
• Water Bugs
• Is it a Spider or an Insect?
Learn the difference between a spider and an insect.
• Spider Rap
There are 30,000 different spiders, including trap door, tarantula, daddy long legs, wolf, crab, jumping, black widow, cave, grass, diving spiders, etc.
• Mr. Spider, Mr. Spider
More about spiders
• Watching for Webs
Learn about different kids of spider webs.
• Earthworms
• It’s a Snail
• Metamorphosis
egg, larva, caterpillar, pupa, chrysalis, butterfly
• Caterpillar Rap
Click to Hear Sample
• I’m a Caterpillar
• Butterfly